7. Nonresidential Lighting
These sheets are filled out in the field after construction by the Acceptance Testing Technician. You can find them on the CEC’s website.
The best way to create a tailored lighting report is to edit the sample file ‘Tailored Lighting.bld.’ This file is in the projects file located in the folder Documents\EnergyPro 8\Projects.
These occupancies are listed as exempt lighting under Section 140.6 of the code, and as such the lighting does not appear on the reports, nor does it affect any calculated results. Basically the lighting is subject to mandatory measures, but the quantity of lighting is unregulated and thus not reported.
Click on Calculations in the lower left. Now select the NR T24 Prescriptive calculation in the list right above that. On the right, you will see the option to select using “Complete Building” as your category. If you uncheck this, EnergyPro will use Area Category and/or Tailored. You can also change the Complete Building Category here.