How can I use EnergyPro to do a LEED project?

LEED projects can use the ASHRAE 90.1 (module NRM7) for the baseline and proposed calculations needed for LEED. The reports produced will have the information needed for filling out the LEED Energy and Atmosphere Credit Templates (EAc1 and EAp2).

Make sure you have the BEPS and BEPU report selected at the top level of the building tree in the Utility tab, then run the calculations.

To fill out the tables in the LEED documents, please reference the EAPs and EAP2 reports from the EnergyPro Report selections.

Input and output files from the simulation run from DOE-2 will appear in the Documents\EnergyPro 8\Results folder.  This will include inputs files with the extension .DOE as well as output files with the extension .SIM for the proposed and four baseline runs.

You can open these files in Notepad by dragging the file into Notepad.

Search for the BEPU report.  Note the BEPU report shows any unmet load hours at the bottom.



Categories: 9a. LEED

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